To get the most out of analytics integration you need to have a clear understanding of what you are trying to achieve. This will dictate other factors that need to be considered in order to maximize solution performance.
May 2022
Dr Kerstin Wendt
In this blog, we discuss the benefits of AI and data analytics to safeguard passengers and staff 24/7.
This blog looks at how AI and data analytics can help transport operators gain an accurate and real-time view of what is happening to safeguard passengers and staff 24/7.
With AI and data analytics as part of your security and surveillance solution, you’ll always have eyes on the situation. Continuous processing of huge volumes of data means you’ll instantly be alerted to security and safety risks - from trip or slip hazards and lone children to license plates linked to persons of interest on police watchlists.
The security and surveillance system also knows how to prioritise these positive alerts and who to notify based on the incident category. For instance, if a security guard spots an abandoned bag, they can press an emergency panic button on their mobile device, which:
AI and video content analytics also help identify behaviours that may indicate a potential safety or security risk to passengers or staff.
The system can spot suspicious or anomalous activity that warrants operator attention by applying algorithms and rules to live camera footage. Examples may include a person loitering (perhaps near concourse cash points), erratic driving in car parks/repeat circling of station approaches, or individuals waiting too close to the edge of platforms.
Notifications are prioritised and automatically issued to relevantly qualified and authorised staff while ensuring control room teams receive real-time updates.
Because AI is so good at spotting risk potential, your system can also issue ‘pre-warning’ notifications to help you avoid or better prepare for incidents.
Take overcrowding at platform barriers. This can lead to problems such as social distancing issues, passengers missing their trains, and potential aggression towards staff. It is better to avoid this scenario altogether. With AI/analytics, you can. Your system will spot when the number of people present reaches a pre-specified threshold and correlate this with train arrivals to assess the impact on passenger flow. It knows when to automatically dispatch more support staff and update passenger info points to minimise wait times for boarding and alighting passengers.
Smoke detection is another good example. Here the pre-warning notification can alert relevant personnel to the presence of smoke, prioritise footage from cameras to help confirm the presence of fire and initiate fire response protocols should positive confirmation be received.
This guide covers everything from the tech you’ll need to real-world applications. It will help you understand how AI can become a valuable part of your security and surveillance.
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To get the most out of analytics integration you need to have a clear understanding of what you are trying to achieve. This will dictate other factors that need to be considered in order to maximize solution performance.
This guide takes you through some of the current approaches and best practices available to deliver a more data-driven and connected surveillance solution for your transport operations.
Discover in this on-demand webinar how evolving technology can be leveraged to create smarter, safer experiences for passengers and workforce personnel.